Alles wat je moet weten over pijn en ziekte bij je hond!

Everything You Need to Know About Pain and Illness in Your Dog!

Do you see a change in your dog's behavior and don't know what it means? Do you think your dog is sick or in pain, but you're not sure? Read our blog now, where we tell you more about pain and illness in your dog, how to recognize it, and what you can do about it.


How do you know if your dog is in pain?

A dog will not immediately show that he is in pain because he does not want to reveal his weakness and thereby become an easier target. As a dog owner, it is very difficult to know when your dog is in pain because your dog prefers to hide it. We have listed a few behaviors that can help you recognize pain in your dog. 

  • The first way you can recognize pain in your dog is through sound. If your dog is in pain, he may bark, scream, whine, and growl. If your dog groans or whimpers, that can also mean pain. Keep an eye on whether your dog does this with a certain movement. 
  • Another sign of pain in your dog is that your dog will lick, bite, rub, scratch, or look at the painful spot. It could also be that your dog barks or whines when the painful spot is touched or snaps at you when you try to touch it. Your dog does this to protect the painful area. 
  • The third recognition of pain in your dog is through a different posture. Your dog wants to take on a different position where he feels the least pain. For example, he may lie differently due to the pain. Sleeping can also increase or decrease due to pain. Less yawning, shaking, and stretching is also a sign of pain. 
  • Additionally, a sign of pain in your dog can be a change in behavior towards people. Your dog may become aggressive due to the pain but also more jumpy, easily scared, and submissive. It could also be that your dog no longer wants to be near you due to the pain or seeks more attention from you. 
  • Dogs can also lose weight due to pain from a reduced appetite. 


How does a dog behave when he doesn't feel well?

There are various symptoms that may indicate illness in your dog. Fatigue is a possible indication that your dog is not okay. Vomiting and diarrhea are also common in sick dogs. Occasionally vomiting or diarrhea is usually not a cause for concern, but if it persists, it’s important to contact your veterinarian. Other signs of illness in your dog include a lack of appetite, changes in sleep patterns, suddenly drinking a lot or very little, weight loss or gain, stiffness when getting up, and difficulty walking. Trouble breathing, a runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes are also symptoms that may indicate a health problem. Additionally, pale or discolored gums can be signs of a sick dog.

A dog can also have a fever, which you can measure with a digital thermometer. The body temperature for dogs is between 100.4 and 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. If your dog exceeds 104 degrees, you should see a veterinarian. 

If your dog eats grass, this can also mean that your dog is nauseous or has a stomachache. Eating grass induces a vomiting reflex in a dog, so your dog will vomit after eating grass.

Lastly, itching and hair loss can indicate a sick dog. If the itching is accompanied by hair loss, a bad odor, swelling, and redness, it is good to contact the vet. 


What to do if a dog is in pain?

Do you notice that your dog is behaving differently or in pain? Keep a close watch on him. Contact the veterinarian if you are concerned about your dog. It is very important to find out what is causing the pain and how you can relieve it. This way, you can alleviate your dog's pain and improve his well-being. This way, your dog can resume his normal routine, such as sleeping, eating, drinking, and moving well.  


What can I give my dog if he is in pain?

Never make independent decisions about your dog's pain treatment. Always consult a veterinarian and have the cause of the pain investigated. This way, an appropriate solution can be found to relieve your dog's pain.


What can I feed my sick dog?

If your dog is sick, you don’t want to give him a heavy meal. A good food for your sick dog, which you may not have thought of before, is pumpkin. Pumpkin is very good for your dog's digestion because it contains a lot of fiber. You can peel the pumpkin, cook the pieces without spices and salt, and then feed them to your dog. You could also puree the pumpkin pieces.

Another good food for your sick dog is bone broth. You can make this yourself, but you can also buy it.

Lastly, chicken and white rice are good for your dog when he is sick. This is especially useful for stomach complaints. Do not add salt, oil, or butter to the chicken and rice, as this can worsen the symptoms.


What sound does my dog make when he is in pain?

It can be difficult to distinguish the sounds your dog makes when in pain from other behaviors. Your dog's behavior when stressed can be similar to the behavior he shows when in pain. The sounds your dog might make when in pain include panting, whining, barking, and growling. Your dog might also whimper or moan when in pain. However, it is also possible that your dog does not make any sound due to the pain. If you notice a change in your dog's behavior, it's always good to keep an eye on it and possibly contact your veterinarian. 


Which dog vaccinations are mandatory?

In principle, vaccinating your dog is not mandatory. However, it is mandatory to have your dog vaccinated for various diseases if you take him to a dog boarding facility or any other place where many dogs gather, such as a dog show, dog or puppy training class, or if you use a dog walking service. The mandatory vaccinations for your dog are against kennel cough, canine distemper (Carré's disease, Distemper), parvovirus (Parvo), and hepatitis. If you want to take your dog abroad, vaccination against rabies is also required. Vaccination against leptospirosis is recommended. 


What is kennel cough?

Kennel cough is a virus that a dog can contract through the airways, through the air, or by contact with other dogs. It is mainly spread in places where many dogs come together. A dog with kennel cough will have a harsh, dry cough, which can be accompanied by gagging and vomiting. If the kennel cough persists for a long time, there is a risk that it will become chronic or that pneumonia will develop. Puppies and older dogs are more prone to these complications.


What is canine distemper?

Canine distemper is a contagious virus transmitted through airborne droplets by sneezing and coughing and through direct and indirect contact. Dogs can shed the virus through urine for up to 4 months after infection. Canine distemper lowers the immune system, making infections with other bacteria more likely. Canine distemper can cause inflammation in the lungs, intestines, stomach, nose, and airways. Less common symptoms include issues with the brain, eyes, and skin. All dogs that are not properly vaccinated can become ill, and puppies are also more susceptible to canine distemper. 

The symptoms of canine distemper are: 

  • Respiratory: nasal and eye discharge, coughing, difficulty breathing, pneumonia.
  • Gastrointestinal: anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea (sometimes with blood).
  • Neurological: epilepsy, muscle weakness, paralysis, balance disorders.
  • Skin: pimples, thickening of the nose and paw pads (Hardpad Disease).
  • Eyes: inflammation of the choroid, dry eyes, sudden blindness.

The diagnosis for canine distemper is determined by an immunofluorescence test, antibody test, or PCR test.


What is parvovirus?

The parvovirus is a highly contagious and serious virus that primarily affects young dogs and puppies. It spreads through feces and vomit and can survive in the environment for months to years. 

Symptoms associated with parvovirus include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Fever
  • Vomiting (sometimes with blood)
  • Diarrhea (sometimes with blood)
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy 

Dogs can become infected through direct contact with infected dogs or indirectly via contaminated objects. If parvo is suspected, contact a veterinarian immediately. The diagnosis is made through fecal examination. The chances of recovery from parvovirus depend on the severity of the disease and the condition of the dog. The treatment is intensive and the outcome uncertain.


What is hepatitis?

Hepatitis, also known as liver inflammation or HCC, is a viral disease that is almost nonexistent in the Netherlands due to frequent vaccination. It is a contagious disease that can be acute or chronic and is transmitted through the urine of infected dogs. A dog can become very ill from hepatitis, and liver damage can be permanent. In acute hepatitis, dogs suddenly become very ill, usually have a fever, and possibly an enlarged liver. In chronic hepatitis, dogs have less well-known symptoms, such as a small liver, weight loss, and fluid retention in the abdomen. 

The symptoms associated with hepatitis include: 

  • Jaundice
  • Frequent urination and drinking
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting


What is rabies?

Rabies, also known as rabies, is an infectious disease caused by a virus and is fatal to humans and animals. The disease is also transmissible to humans, occurring through licking, biting, or scratching by an infected animal. Symptoms associated with rabies include: 

  • Excessive salivation
  • Aggression 
  • Behavioral changes
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Paralysis symptoms
  • Fever
  • Weight loss

The virus settles in the nervous system and causes the symptoms. The virus can still be treated before it reaches the nervous system. If the virus is not treated in time, it leads to death for both humans and animals. Unfortunately, it's difficult for veterinarians to determine if your dog has rabies, as it is often only diagnosed through a brain examination after death. In the Netherlands, vaccination against rabies is not mandatory because it does not occur, but if you travel abroad with your dog, it is mandatory. Vaccination against rabies must be done at least 21 days before departure to be optimally effective. The protection from the vaccination is valid for 3 years. Puppies can be vaccinated against rabies from the age of 3 months. 


What is leptospirosis?

It is recommended to vaccinate your dog against leptospirosis (also known as the small cocktail), which is against the four most common leptospirosis bacteria including Weil's disease, a severe variant of leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is spread through the urine of rodents, especially mice and rats, but also by other infected dogs. The leptospirosis bacteria can survive in the soil for up to six weeks at temperatures of 18 degrees or higher. For stagnant, warm water, this can even be three months or longer. People can also get sick from leptospirosis, so it's good to vaccinate your dog to protect yourself as well. It's advisable to vaccinate your dog annually against leptospirosis.


What is deworming and why should you do it regularly?

Dogs can easily become infected with worms, such as roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and whipworms. These parasites are harmful and can remain unnoticed for a long time during an infection, allowing the dog to infect other animals and people. Deworming is essential to protect the dog's health and to prevent the spread of worms. Depending on the dog's age and lifestyle, the frequency of deworming varies. Regular deworming also reduces the risk of transmitting worms to family members. Always consult a veterinarian for the appropriate deworming schedule and type of deworming treatment suitable for your dog.

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