If your dog is afraid of fireworks, there are several steps you can take to help him feel safe and comfortable. It's important to understand that fear of fireworks is a common issue in dogs, and it's essential to be patient and understanding as you help your furry friend through this difficult time. Here are a few things you can try:
- Create a safe space: Make a secure place in your home where your dog can retreat. This could be a special room where you can let him stay, or a box or crate with a blanket over it to muffle the sound. Ensure that this space is comfortable, for example, by placing your dog's bed there.
- Provide distractions: Try to distract your dog with brain games, a snuffle mat, or a tasty treat. Soak some kibble in a layer of water and freeze it for long-lasting distraction. No brain games at home? Roll up a towel with some kibble inside and tie a knot in it.
- Reduce the noise: Turn up the radio or TV so that the sound of the fireworks fades into the background.
- Close all curtains and shutters: This way, the sound and light are minimized, reducing the risk of your dog having a startle reaction.
- Give your dog a calming massage: A massage lowers stress and increases the production of endorphins. Help your dog relax over the course of the evening with an acupressure massage. Here's how to do it best:
The head
Gently massage in circular motions starting at the bases of your dog's ears. Gradually move to the back of the skull and press lightly along the skull's edge. Finish between your dog's eyes.
The ears
Hold the ear with your fingers on the inside of the ear and then lightly press your thumb from top to bottom on the ear.
The chest
Sit in front of your dog and hold the shoulders with fingers pointing outward and thumbs in the spaces next to the breastbone. Gently massage in circular motions around your dog's breastbone.