
Dit zijn dé herfsttrends voor 2023

These are the autumn trends for 2023

Now that autumn has started, it's time for a change in your wardrobe and of course that of your furry friend. Because we at Charlie & Jones understand better than...

These are the autumn trends for 2023

Now that autumn has started, it's time for a change in your wardrobe and of course that of your furry friend. Because we at Charlie & Jones understand better than...

Waarom kiezen voor Charlie & Jones

Why choose Charlie & Jones

Why our handmade dog collars are so popular Charlie & Jones dog collars are made from high-quality European materials and are handmade to order, with attention to detail. They are...

Why choose Charlie & Jones

Why our handmade dog collars are so popular Charlie & Jones dog collars are made from high-quality European materials and are handmade to order, with attention to detail. They are...

Leukste wandelroutes met je hond

Best walking routes with your dog

It's that time again, the holidays are just around the corner. The perfect moment to spend time with family, friends and of course your four-legged friend(s). We are already counting...

Best walking routes with your dog

It's that time again, the holidays are just around the corner. The perfect moment to spend time with family, friends and of course your four-legged friend(s). We are already counting...



Our new name is CHARLIE & JONES. From now on we are also available for cats. Read more about the new path we have taken and meet Jones, our sweet...


Our new name is CHARLIE & JONES. From now on we are also available for cats. Read more about the new path we have taken and meet Jones, our sweet...

Tips voor het kiezen van de leukste hondennaam

Tips for choosing the best dog name

Tips for choosing the best dog name. Choosing a dog name is quite a task. The name of our four-legged friend says a lot about ourselves. It is therefore logical...

Tips for choosing the best dog name

Tips for choosing the best dog name. Choosing a dog name is quite a task. The name of our four-legged friend says a lot about ourselves. It is therefore logical...