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Welkom bij Charlie & Jones – Halsbanden en Jogginglijnen voor honden

Zelf ben ik het trotse baasje van twee geweldige honden, Loef (Fauve de Bretagne) en Vino (ruwharige standaardteckel). Uit liefde voor honden en vanuit de wens dat elke viervoeter veilig en comfortabel kan genieten van elk avontuur, ben ik in 2015 gestart met dit unieke merk. Inmiddels dragen wereldwijd al meer dan 40.000 honden onze gepersonaliseerde halsbanden en jogginglijnen.

Onze hoogwaardige hondenaccessoires worden met veel aandacht en vakmanschap met de hand gemaakt van duurzame, Europese materialen. Personaliseer jouw halsband met naam en telefoonnummer, kies je favoriete kleuren en ga samen zorgeloos op pad.

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Jullie avontuur begint hier!

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Over ons

Welcome to our webshop: Charlie & Jones.

We are passionate about dogs & cats and focus on their comfort and safety. Our goal is for all dogs and cats to return safely to their owners. Whether our four-legged friends join us on shared adventures or unexpected solo missions, identification ensures their safe return.

Who is behind Charlie & Jones?

I am Pleun Mikkers, 29 years old and graduated from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute 6 years ago. When I received my diploma, I immediately knew that I wanted to start my own company. 

With a great love for dogs and a lack of a safe collar with name and telephone number, Charlie & Jones was founded 1 year later.  A brand with the aim that all dogs & cats can go on an adventure safely and return happily to their owners. 

In our Charlie & Jones studio in Amsterdam we design and make all products by hand. In addition to our handmade collars for dogs, you will now also find a cat leash in our online store. As soon as you order your cat collar from us, we will get started. Just like our dog collars, we make our cat collars and harnesses from scratch. For this we use high-quality European materials. You choose the colors, first of the nylon and
then from the yarn. You provide us with the name (and possibly telephone number) and we will ensure that your dog or cat can wear its unique collar within five working days.

Please feel free to contact us if a specific item is not listed or if we can help you.



Paw from: Loef & Vino

contact us


Herengracht 141, 1015 BH, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Monday to Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

VAT number NL 002287800B63